-xd-mcat.fits:                             -tab  Jan'05  May'06  Oct '07

Binary FITS table column descriptions for *-xd-mcat.fits files:
(Total number of fields: 337.)

General comments:
     Uppercase column names originate from the source extractor program
     (SExtractor) which operates on each band separately.  These values are 
     copied verbatim from the source extractor result files (*-n/fd-cat.fits) 
     and have either an NUV_ or FUV_ prepended to the column name.  For these 
     columns, -99.0 is used for unfilled (or blank) values, but in some cases 
     blank magnitude values appear as +99.0.

     Lowercase column names are added by the band merger program. For these 
     columns, -999.0 or -9999.0 are unfilled or blank values.  
     Magnitudes are either AB or GALEX as stated.  Fluxes are counts/second
     unless stated to be in micro Janskys.

ggoid_hex        : TTYPE1   (16A) : 'string  ' : Hex string of Galex Global Object ID
     This is a hexidecimal string version of the global object ID.
ggoid_dec        : TTYPE2   (20A) : 'string  ' : Decimal string of Galex Global Object ID
     This is a decimal string version of the global object ID.
ggoid            : TTYPE3   (2J)  : 'number  ' : Galex Global Object ID
     This is the 64-bit integer version of the global object ID.  Joining these two
     integers yields a 64 bit integer uniquely identifying this source including the
     tile number, band, product number, reduction try (path), etc.  These values are
     also given as individual columns (shown below). The bits from most significant
     to least significant are:
        3 bits: vsn - Version number (of the pipeline)
       16 bits: tile- Tile or field or target number
        2 bits: type- Observation type (00=single,01=AIS(multi))
        2 bits: ow  - optics wheel position (01=direct,10=grism,11=opaque,00=undefined)
        4 bits: prod- product number(_visits,_best,etc.)
       12 bits: img - visit/sub-visit number {when type=01: 5 bit subvis + 7 bit visit}
           (This is just the visit number, except for AIS (or multi-leg) observations 
            where the first (highest) 5 bits are used for the sub-visit number. When the
            data is secondary AIS visit data (vsn=2), then the first (highest) 7 bits are
            used for the sub-visit number.)
        3 bits: try - try number (processing number)
        2 bits: band- Band (01=nuv,10=fuv,11=both,00=undefined)
       20 bits: xid - Extraction ID
vsn              : TTYPE4   (1J)  : 'number  ' : Version number
     Version number (of the pipeline).
tilenum          : TTYPE5   (1J)  : 'number  ' : Tile number
     Tile or field or target number.
type             : TTYPE6   (1J)  : 'number  ' : Obs.type (0=single,1=multi)
     Observation type (00=single, 01=AIS(multiple subvisits)).
ow               : TTYPE7   (1J)  : 'number  ' : Optics wheel (1=drct,2=grsm,3=opaq)
     Optics wheel position (01=direct,10=grism,11=opaque,00=undefined)
prod             : TTYPE8   (1J)  : 'number  ' : Product number (_visits,_main,etc.)
     Product number(00-visits,01-main,etc.)
img              : TTYPE9   (1J)  : 'number  ' : image number (exposure# for _visits)
     Visit and sub-visit number, when type=01 then  5 bit subvis + 7 bit visit.
     This is just the visit number, except for AIS observations when the first
     (highest) 5 bits are used for the sub-visit number.  When the data is secondary 
     AIS visit data (vsn=2), then the first (highest) 7 bits are used for the sub-visit 
try              : TTYPE10  (1J)  : 'number  ' : Try number (processing attempt number)
     Try number (processing number).
band             : TTYPE11  (1J)  : 'number  ' : Band number (1=nuv,2=fuv,3=both)
     Band (01=nuv, 10=fuv, 11=both, 00=undefined).
id               : TTYPE12  (1J)  : 'number  ' : Merged ID.
     Extraction identification number.  This is the same as the NUV ID number
     from the NUV source catalog (called "NUV_NUMBER" below).  In cases where
     there is no NUV source a new ID is assigned which is large enough not to
     conflict with any NUV ID number.
subvisit         : TTYPE13  (1I)  : 'number  ' : Sub-visit number for AIS
     Sub-visit number for the All-sky Imaging Survey (AIS).  An AIS eclipse may
     have 12 or more telescope pointings.  Each of these pointings is assigned a
     sub-visit number.  Note that a visit number corresponds to one eclipse.
leg              : TTYPE14  (1I)  : 'number  ' : Planned leg number for AIS
     Similar to the sub-visit number, but this is a planned (but perhaps not
     observed) pointing (or leg) during an AIS eclipse.
alpha_j2000      : TTYPE15  (1D)  : 'degrees ' : Merged Right Ascension(degrees).
     Right Ascension in degrees (0 to 360) in a J2000 reference frame.  This position 
     is the NUV source position, or the FUV source position for FUV-only sources.
delta_j2000      : TTYPE16  (1D)  : 'degrees ' : Merged Declination (degrees).
     Declination in degrees (-90 to 90) in a J2000 reference frame.  This position 
     is the NUV source position, or the FUV source position for FUV-only sources.

alpha_j2000_merged : TTYPE17  (1D)  : 'degrees ' : Merged Right Ascension(degrees).
     Bandmerged Right Ascension in degrees (0 to 360) in a J2000 reference
     frame.  This position is a signal-to-noise weighted average of the
     NUV and FUV source positions.
delta_j2000_merged : TTYPE18  (1D)  : 'degrees ' : Merged Declination (degrees).
     Bandmerged Declination in degrees (-90 to 90) in a J2000 reference
     frame.  This position is a signal-to-noise weighted average of the
     NUV and FUV source positions.

prob             : TTYPE19  (1E)  : 'probability' : Chi-squared probability of match.
     A bandmerger quantity computed for a given match.  This depends on the
     separation between sources and an estimate of the positional error.
     Currently, the radial positional error is set at a constant 1.0 arcsecond
     for all sources. (NOTE: In data products of April 2006 and earlier, i.e.
     GR1 and GR2, this value was computed with wrong degrees of freedom (nu=1
     instead of nu=2) and so may not be useful.)
sep              : TTYPE20  (1E)  : 'arcseconds' : Separation between band positions.
     Separation between two bandmerged (NUV and FUV) source positions
     in arcseconds.
E_bv             : TTYPE21  (1E)  : 'number  ' : E(B-V) Galactic Reddening.
     Derived from a maps of dust infrared emission used to estimate
     reddening (see Schlegel et al. 1998, ApJ, 500, 525).  Data obtained
     from http://astron.berkeley.edu/davis/dust/data/data.html
glon             : TTYPE22  (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Galactic longitude in degrees.
     Galactic longitude of the source position (given by "alpha_j2000,delta_j2000").
glat             : TTYPE23  (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Galactic latitude in degrees.
     Galactic latitude of the source position (given by "alpha_j2000,delta_j2000").
primary          : TTYPE24  (1J)  : 'number  ' : Primary source flag
     Is AIS/MIS source a primary? (1/0)
fov_radius       : TTYPE25  (1E)  : 'degrees ' : distance from center of FOV in degrees
     Radial distance between a source position and the nominal
     center of the field of view.
nuv_det_x        : TTYPE26  (1E)  : 'value   ' : NUV detector X position
     Estimate of NUV detector X position of a given source.  Since the
     telescope is dithered and many eclipse observations are combined,
     this is only an estimate of the X position.  The units are in pixels
     (1.5 arcseconds per pixel) relative to the nominal field center.
nuv_det_y        : TTYPE27  (1E)  : 'value   ' : NUV detector Y position
     Estimate of NUV detector Y position of a given source in pixels
     (1.5 arcseconds per pixel).
fuv_det_x        : TTYPE28  (1E)  : 'value   ' : FUV detector X position
     Estimate of FUV detector X position of a given source in pixels
     (1.5 arcseconds per pixel).
fuv_det_y        : TTYPE29  (1E)  : 'value   ' : FUV detector Y position
     Estimate of FUV detector Y position of a given source in pixels
     (1.5 arcseconds per pixel).
chkobj_type      : TTYPE30  (1J)  : 'number  ' : Astrometry check type
     The GALEX field position is aligned to the sky using the known positions 
     of bright stars.  The file with the extension "-cat_mch_rtastar.fits" 
     contains data on the bright stars used to align the GALEX field.  The filename
     of this file is given by the FITS header card "MCHFILE".  If the value of 
     "chkobj_type" for a source is 1, then that source (NUV position) has been 
     matched to a known bright star. 
chkobj_id        : TTYPE31  (1J)  : 'number  ' : Astrometry check ID
     For a source matched to a known star (chkobj_type=1), this column gives
     the row number in the match table file (-cat_mch_rtastar.fits) 
     containing the data for this match.
chkobj_r         : TTYPE32  (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Astrometry check radius in degrees
     For a source matched to a known star (chkobj_type=1), this column gives
     the distance in degrees between the known star and the GALEX NUV source 
chkobj_pa        : TTYPE33  (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Astrometry check position angle in degrees
     For a source matched to a known star (chkobj_type=1), this column gives
     the position angle in degrees between the known star position and the 
     GALEX NUV source position.
misc_flags       : TTYPE34  (1J)  : 'value   ' : Miscellaneous flags
     Not used.
nuv_flux         : TTYPE35  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : NUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky)
     NUV flux derived from a NUV source catalog flux.  The FITS header card
     "CALMAG" indicates which NUV flux value is used, e.g. if CALMAG=AUTO,
     then the NUV_FLUX_AUTO column is used.  The NUV catalog flux is in counts
     per second, this is converted to micro Janskys using the header card
     "N_CUJ": nuv_flux = NUV_FLUX_AUTO * N_CUJ.   The value of "N_CUJ" is
     equal to 10 ^ ( (NUV_ZPMAG - 23.9) / -2.5 ) .  Also note that "nuv_flux" 
     may be zero, in this case refer to the "NUV_FLUX_*" columns for
     flux values.  If "nuv_flux" has a value of -999, then there was no NUV
     source detection. (See "nuv_mag" for 0.2% error notice.)
nuv_fluxerr      : TTYPE36  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : NUV calibrated flux error (micro Jansky)
     Error for nuv_flux value.
nuv_mag          : TTYPE37  (1E)  : 'mag     ' : NUV calibrated AB magnitude
     NUV magnitude derived from a NUV source catalog magnitude.  The FITS
     header card "CALMAG" indicates which NUV magnitude value is used, e.g.
     if CALMAG=AUTO, then the NUV_MAG_AUTO column is used.  The NUV catalog
     magnitude is converted to the true magnitude using the zero-point
     conversion (see header card "N_ZPMAG": nuv_mag = NUV_MAG_AUTO + N_ZPMAG).
     NOTE: The flat field was calibrated using N_ZPMAG = 20.08 rather than
     20.08238, this means that there is 0.2% error in the values of "nuv_mag"
     for all data released until at least the end of 2006.
nuv_magerr       : TTYPE38  (1E)  : 'mag     ' : NUV calibrated AB magnitude error
     Error for nuv_mag value.
fuv_flux         : TTYPE39  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : FUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky)
     FUV flux derived from a FUV source catalog flux.  The FITS header card
     "CALMAG" indicates which FUV flux value is used, e.g. if CALMAG=AUTO,
     then the FUV_FLUX_AUTO column is used.  The FUV catalog flux is in counts
     per second, this is converted to micro Janskys using the header card
     "F_CUJ": fuv_flux = FUV_FLUX_AUTO * F_CUJ.   The value of "F_CUJ" is
     equal to 10 ^ ( (FUV_ZPMAG - 23.9) / -2.5 ) .  Also note that "fuv_flux" 
     may be zero, in this case refer to the "FUV_FLUX_*" columns for flux 
     values.  If "fuv_flux" has a value of -999, then there was no FUV
     source detection. (See "fuv_mag" for 0.3% error notice.)
fuv_fluxerr      : TTYPE40  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : FUV calibrated flux error (micro Jansky)
     Error for fuv_flux value.
fuv_mag          : TTYPE41  (1E)  : 'mag     ' : FUV calibrated AB magnitude
     FUV magnitude derived from a FUV source catalog magnitude.  The FITS
     header card "CALMAG" indicates which FUV magnitude value is used, e.g.
     if CALMAG=AUTO, then the FUV_MAG_AUTO column is used.  The FUV catalog
     magnitude is converted to the true magnitude using the zero-point
     conversion (see header card "F_ZPMAG": fuv_mag = FUV_MAG_AUTO + F_ZPMAG).
     NOTE: The flat field was calibrated using F_ZPMAG = 18.82 rather than
     18.81707, this means that there is 0.3% error in the values of "fuv_mag"
     for all data released until at least the end of 2006.
fuv_magerr       : TTYPE42  (1E)  : 'mag     ' : FUV calibrated AB magnitude error
     Error for fuv_mag value.

nuv_s2n          : TTYPE43  (1E)  : 'ratio   ' : NUV signal-to-noise from 'AUTO' flux value
     This is the ratio of NUV_FLUX_AUTO and NUV_FLUXERR_AUTO.

fuv_s2n          : TTYPE44  (1E)  : 'ratio   ' : FUV signal-to-noise from 'AUTO' flux value
     This is the ratio of FUV_FLUX_AUTO and FUV_FLUXERR_AUTO.
nuv_fcat_flux    : TTYPE45  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : NUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky) using FUV catalog position
     The NUV flux derived using the source position given in the FUV catalog.
     The file with extension "-nd-fcat.fits" contains NUV flux values computed
     using positions given in the "-fd-cat.fits" file.
nuv_fcat_fluxerr : TTYPE46  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Error for nuv_fcat_flux (micro Jansky)
     Error for nuv_fcat value.
fuv_ncat_flux    : TTYPE47  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : FUV calibrated flux (micro Jansky) using NUV catalog position
     The FUV flux derived using the source position given in the NUV catalog.
     The file with extension "-fd-ncat.fits" contains FUV flux values computed
     using positions given in the "-nd-cat.fits" file.
fuv_ncat_fluxerr : TTYPE48  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Error for fuv_ncat_flux (micro Jansky)
     Error for fuv_ncat value.
nuv_nc_r1        : TTYPE49  (1I)  : 'number  ' : NUV neighbor count out to radius R1
     Number of neighboring sources with a positive NUV flux values within
     radius R1 (from the primary source), where R1 is given by the FITS
     header card "R1".
nuv_nc_r2        : TTYPE50  (1I)  : 'number  ' : NUV neighbor count out to radius R2
     Number of neighboring sources with a positive NUV flux values within
     radius R2, where R2 is given by the FITS header card "R2".
nuv_nc_r3        : TTYPE51  (1I)  : 'number  ' : NUV neighbor count out to radius R3
     Number of neighboring sources with a positive NUV flux values within
     radius R3, where R3 is given by the FITS header card "R3".
fuv_nc_r1        : TTYPE52  (1I)  : 'number  ' : FUV neighbor count out to radius R1
     Number of neighboring sources with a positive FUV flux values within
     radius R1, where R1 is given by the FITS header card "R1".
fuv_nc_r2        : TTYPE53  (1I)  : 'number  ' : FUV neighbor count out to radius R2
     Number of neighboring sources with a positive FUV flux values within
     radius R2, where R2 is given by the FITS header card "R2".
fuv_nc_r3        : TTYPE54  (1I)  : 'number  ' : FUV neighbor count out to radius R3
     Number of neighboring sources with a positive FUV flux values within
     radius R3, where R3 is given by the FITS header card "R3".
nuv_nf_r1        : TTYPE55  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : NUV neighbor flux (micro Jansky) out to radius R1
     Sum of NUV flux from neighboring sources within radius R1.
nuv_nf_r2        : TTYPE56  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : NUV neighbor flux (micro Jansky) out to radius R2
     Sum of NUV flux from neighboring sources within radius R2.
nuv_nf_r3        : TTYPE57  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : NUV neighbor flux (micro Jansky) out to radius R3
     Sum of NUV flux from neighboring sources within radius R3.
fuv_nf_r1        : TTYPE58  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : FUV neighbor flux (micro Jansky) out to radius R1
     Sum of FUV flux from neighboring sources within radius R1.
fuv_nf_r2        : TTYPE59  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : FUV neighbor flux (micro Jansky) out to radius R2
     Sum of FUV flux from neighboring sources within radius R2.
fuv_nf_r3        : TTYPE60  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : FUV neighbor flux (micro Jansky) out to radius R3
     Sum of FUV flux from neighboring sources within radius R3.
cn_radius        : TTYPE61  (1E)  : 'arcseconds' : Closest neighbor radius in arcseconds
     Distance to closest neighbor from primary source.
cn_pa            : TTYPE62  (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Closest neighbor position angle in degrees
     Position angle in degrees to closest neighbor from primary source.
     If PA=0, then neighbor is north of the primary source, if PA=90,
     neighbor is to the west.
cn_mag_nuv       : TTYPE63  (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Closest neighbor NUV AB magnitude
     NUV AB magnitude of the closest neighbor.
cn_mag_fuv       : TTYPE64  (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Closest neighbor FUV AB magnitude
     FUV AB magnitude of the closest neighbor.
nuv_skybg        : TTYPE65  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : NUV sky background (photons/sec/sq.arcsec)
     Background value in photons per second per square arcsecond at the source 
     position (from "alpha_j2000,delta_j2000" columns).  This value is taken from 
     the -nd-skybg.fits file image.
fuv_skybg        : TTYPE66  (1E)  : 'flux    ' : FUV sky background (photons/sec/sq.arcsec)
     Background value in photons per second per square arcsecond at the source 
     position.  This value is taken from the -fd-skybg.fits file image.
nuv_weight       : TTYPE67  (1E)  : 'seconds ' : NUV effective exposure (response)
     Effective exposure time (or flat field response value) in seconds at the
     source position (center pixel) given by the "alpha_j2000,delta_j2000" columns.  
     This value is taken from the -nd-rrhr.fits file image.
fuv_weight       : TTYPE68  (1E)  : 'seconds ' : FUV effective exposure (response)
     Effective exposure time (or flat field response value) in seconds at the
     source position (center pixel).  This value is taken from the -fd-rrhr.fits 
     file image.

nuv_int          : TTYPE69  (1E)  : 'photons/second/pixel' : NUV intensity (photons/second/pixel)
     Intensity value in photons per second at the source position (center pixel).
     This value is taken from the -nd-int.fits file image.

fuv_int          : TTYPE70  (1E)  : 'photons/second/pixel' : FUV intensity (photons/second/pixel)
     Intensity value in photons per second at the source position (center pixel).
     This value is taken from the -fd-int.fits file image.
nuv_thres        : TTYPE71  (1E)  : 'sigmas  ' : NUV threshold sigmas (int-bg)/wt)
     Threshold sigmas for source detection at the source position.  This value is 
     derived from the -nd-int.fits image, the -nd-skybg.fits image and the 
     -nd-wt.fits images.  The formula is thres = ( int - skybg ) / wt .
fuv_thres        : TTYPE72  (1E)  : 'sigmas  ' : FUV threshold sigmas (int-bg)/wt)
     Threshold sigmas for source detection at the source position.  This value is 
     derived from the -fd-int.fits image, the -fd-skybg.fits image and the 
     -fd-wt.fits images.  The formula is thres = ( int - skybg ) / wt .
nuv_contrast     : TTYPE73  (1E)  : 'ratio   ' : NUV ratio of min to max response near source
     The minimum pixel value divided by the maximum pixel value within the
     extraction box (from the -rrhr.fits image).  The extraction box is defined by 
     This ratio will be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.  The pixel size is given by 
     the header card "NSXPIXS" with a nominal size of 1.5 arcseconds by 1.5 arcseconds.
fuv_contrast     : TTYPE74  (1E)  : 'ratio   ' : FUV ratio of min to max response near source
     The minimum pixel value divided by the maximum pixel value within the
     extraction box (from the -rrhr.fits image).  The extraction box is defined by 
     This ratio will be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.  The pixel size is given by 
     the header card "FSXPIXS" with a nominal size of 1.5 arcseconds by 1.5 arcseconds.
nuv_maskpix      : TTYPE75  (1J)  : 'number  ' : NUV number of masked pixels near source
     Number of masked pixels within the NUV extraction box (as described for nuv_contrast).
     A masked pixel is one whose response value (from the -rrhr.fits image) is NAN or is
     either less than 0.000001 or greater than 10 times the exposure time.
fuv_maskpix      : TTYPE76  (1J)  : 'number  ' : FUV number of masked pixels near source
     Number of masked pixels within the FUV extraction box (as described for fuv_contrast).
nuv_artifact     : TTYPE77  (1J)  : 'number  ' : NUV artifact flag (logical OR near source)
     Logical OR of artifact flags for pixels within a 3x3 pixel box in the NUV -flags image 
     (-nd-flags.fits) centered on the source centroid pixel.
fuv_artifact     : TTYPE78  (1J)  : 'number  ' : FUV artifact flag (logical OR near source)
     Logical OR of artifact flags for pixels within a 3x3 pixel box in the FUV -flags image 
     (-fd-flags.fits) centered on the source centroid pixel.

nuv_scx          : TTYPE79  (1E)  : 'number  ' : NUV spacecraft X position
     NUV spacecraft position as computed from the detector positions (n/fuv_det_x/y):
     nuv_scx = (nuv_det_y * 0.5) + 1125.0 .
nuv_scy          : TTYPE80  (1E)  : 'number  ' : NUV spacecraft Y position
     NUV spacecraft position as computed from the detector positions (n/fuv_det_x/y):
     nuv_scy = (nuv_det_x * 0.5) + 1125.0 .

fuv_scx          : TTYPE81  (1E)  : 'number  ' : FUV spacecraft X position
     FUV Spacecraft position as computed from the detector positions (n/fuv_det_x/y):
     fuv_scx = (-1.* fuv_det_y * 0.5) + 1125.0 .

fuv_scy          : TTYPE82  (1E)  : 'number  ' : FUV spacecraft Y position
     FUV Spacecraft position as computed from the detector positions (n/fuv_det_x/y):
     fuv_scy = (-1.* fuv_det_y * 0.5) + 1125.0 .

nuv_Q            : TTYPE83  (1E)  : 'number  ' : NUV detector Q value
     NUV Q value taken from the calibrated universal Qmap image file.

fuv_Q            : TTYPE84  (1E)  : 'number  ' : FUV detector Q value
     FUV Q value taken from the calibrated universal Qmap image file.
nuv_ambg         : TTYPE85  (1J)  : 'number  ' : NUV ambiguity flag.
     Ambiguity flag for the NUV source detection which is a potentially
     bandmerged source.  Refers to the match (or lack of match) between
     the NUV source and the FUV source detection.  A filled source has
     been matched and an unfilled source has no match. The flags are:
         0: unfilled, no candidates, no ambiguity.
         1: filled, first choice candidates agree, no ambiguity.
         2: filled, first choice matches second choice candidate.
         3: unfilled, first choice taken, no second choice candidate.
         4: filled, second choice matches a first choice candidate.
         5: filled, second choice matches a second choice candidate.
         6: unfilled, first and second taken, no third choice.
        -6: unfilled, first and second taken, third choice exists.
        -1: unfilled, cleared, unchecked.
        -2: not applicable, does not exist, blank.
fuv_ambg         : TTYPE86  (1J)  : 'number  ' : FUV ambiguity flag.
     Same as nuv_ambg, but for the FUV source detection.
nuv_nc           : TTYPE87  (1J)  : 'number  ' : NUV number of candidates.
     Number of potentially bandmerging FUV candidates for the NUV source detection.
fuv_nc           : TTYPE88  (1J)  : 'number  ' : FUV number of candidates.
     Number of potentially bandmerging NUV candidates for the FUV source detection.
nuv_cid1         : TTYPE89  (1J)  : 'number  ' : First candidate for NUV source(FUV IDs)
     Source ID number of the FUV source detection of the first (best)
     candidate to be merged with the NUV source detection.  This ID
     number will appear in the column FUV_NUMBER for the candidate
     entry in this table.
fuv_cid1         : TTYPE90  (1J)  : 'number  ' : First candidate for FUV source(NUV IDs)
     Source ID number of the NUV source detection of the first (best)
     candidate to be merged with the FUV source detection.  This ID
     number will appear in the column NUV_NUMBER for the candidate
     entry in this table.
nuv_cid2         : TTYPE91  (1J)  : 'number  ' : Second candidate for NUV source(FUV IDs)
     Source ID number of the FUV source which is the second best
     candidate to be merged with the NUV source.
fuv_cid2         : TTYPE92  (1J)  : 'number  ' : Second candidate for FUV source(NUV IDs)
     Source ID number of the NUV source which is the second best
     candidate to be merged with the FUV source.
nuv_cid3         : TTYPE93  (1J)  : 'number  ' : Third candidate for NUV source(FUV IDs)
     Source ID number of the FUV source which is the third best
     candidate to be merged with the NUV source.  Third candidates
     are rare (less than 0.5% occurrence) for GALEX.
fuv_cid3         : TTYPE94  (1J)  : 'number  ' : Third candidate for FUV source(NUV IDs)
     Source ID number of the NUV source which is the third best
     candidate to be merged with the FUV source.  Third candidates
     are rare (less than 0.5% occurrence) for GALEX.
nuv_poserr       : TTYPE95  (1E)  : 'arcseconds' : NUV position error in arcseconds
     This is the total radial position error (1 sigma) which combines the poisson 
     position error and the field error (see the 'N_FLDERR' header card).  The field 
     error is a constant for the entire field and represents errors due to effects 
     not accounted for by counting statistics.

fuv_poserr       : TTYPE96  (1E)  : 'arcseconds' : FUV position error in arcseconds
     Same as 'nuv_poserr' for FUV positions. 

nuv_pperr        : TTYPE97  (1E)  : 'arcseconds' : NUV Poisson position error in arcseconds
     The part of the position error due to counting statistics.

fuv_pperr        : TTYPE98  (1E)  : 'arcseconds' : FUV Poisson position error in arcseconds
     The part of the position error due to counting statistics.

match_density    : TTYPE99  (1E)  : 'per_sq_deg' : Matched sources per sq. deg. (rad<0.5)
     This is the density of sources per square degree with both NUV and FUV flux 
     greater than zero within a radius of 0.5 degrees from the average aspect field center.

nuv_unmatched_density : TTYPE100 (1E)  : 'per_sq_deg' : Un-matched NUV sources per sq. deg. (rad<0.5
     This is the density of sources per square degree with NUV flux greater than zero, but 
     no FUV flux, within a radius of 0.5 degrees from the average aspect field center.

fuv_unmatched_density : TTYPE101 (1E)  : 'per_sq_deg' : Un-matched FUV sources per sq. deg. (rad<0.5
     This is the density of sources per square degree with FUV flux greater than zero, but 
     no NUV flux, within a radius of 0.5 degrees from the average aspect field center.

reliability      : TTYPE102 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Reliability of match.
     Not used yet.  This will be an estimate of the reliability of matched (or merged)  
     NUV and FUV source detections being from the same source.

sourcepa         : TTYPE103 (1E)  : 'degrees ' : position angle betw. band sources.
     For filled or bandmerged source pairs, the position angle in degrees of
     the FUV source position relative to the NUV source position.  A value of
     0 points east and 90 points north.  For example, if the FUV source position
     is directly west of the NUV source position, the sourcepa value would be 180.
     If the FUV source is directly south of the NUV source, then the sourcepa
     angle would 270.
objtype          : TTYPE104 (1J)  : 'number  ' : 0=galaxy,1=star,-1=unknown,etc.
     Not used.
quality          : TTYPE105 (1J)  : 'number  ' : Quality flag (undefined)
     Not used.
adj_sep          : TTYPE106 (1E)  : 'arcseconds' : Adj. separation after FUV Temp Corrctn(arcsec)
     If a correction is made to the FUV (detector Y) position based on the detector
     temperature (see DYFCOR header card), this would be the adjusted separation between
     the NUV and FUV positions.  See 'sep' column.

adj_fuv_det_y    : TTYPE107 (1E)  : 'pixels  ' : Adjusted FUV detector y position (pixels)
     If a correction is made to the FUV (detector Y) position based on the detector
     temperature (see DYFCOR header card), this would be the adjusted value for the FUV
     detector Y position.  See the 'fuv_det_y' column.

Columns copied from -nd-cat.fits (NUV SExtractor output table):

                NUV_NUMBER : TTYPE108 (1J)  : 'value   ' : Running object number
              NUV_FLUX_ISO : TTYPE109 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Isophotal flux
           NUV_FLUXERR_ISO : TTYPE110 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : RMS error for isophotal flux
               NUV_MAG_ISO : TTYPE111 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Isophotal magnitude
            NUV_MAGERR_ISO : TTYPE112 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : RMS error for isophotal magnitude
           NUV_FLUX_ISOCOR : TTYPE113 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Corrected isophotal flux
        NUV_FLUXERR_ISOCOR : TTYPE114 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : RMS error for corrected isophotal flux
            NUV_MAG_ISOCOR : TTYPE115 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Corrected isophotal magnitude
         NUV_MAGERR_ISOCOR : TTYPE116 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : RMS error for corrected isophotal magnitude
           NUV_FLUX_APER_1 : TTYPE117 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (   2.000)
           NUV_FLUX_APER_2 : TTYPE118 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (   3.000)
           NUV_FLUX_APER_3 : TTYPE119 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (   5.000)
           NUV_FLUX_APER_4 : TTYPE120 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (   8.000)
           NUV_FLUX_APER_5 : TTYPE121 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (  12.000)
           NUV_FLUX_APER_6 : TTYPE122 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (  17.000)
           NUV_FLUX_APER_7 : TTYPE123 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (  23.000)
        NUV_FLUXERR_APER_1 : TTYPE124 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (   2.000)
        NUV_FLUXERR_APER_2 : TTYPE125 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (   3.000)
        NUV_FLUXERR_APER_3 : TTYPE126 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (   5.000)
        NUV_FLUXERR_APER_4 : TTYPE127 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (   8.000)
        NUV_FLUXERR_APER_5 : TTYPE128 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (  12.000)
        NUV_FLUXERR_APER_6 : TTYPE129 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (  17.000)
        NUV_FLUXERR_APER_7 : TTYPE130 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (  23.000)
            NUV_MAG_APER_1 : TTYPE131 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (   2.000)
            NUV_MAG_APER_2 : TTYPE132 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (   3.000)
            NUV_MAG_APER_3 : TTYPE133 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (   5.000)
            NUV_MAG_APER_4 : TTYPE134 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (   8.000)
            NUV_MAG_APER_5 : TTYPE135 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (  12.000)
            NUV_MAG_APER_6 : TTYPE136 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (  17.000)
            NUV_MAG_APER_7 : TTYPE137 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (  23.000)
         NUV_MAGERR_APER_1 : TTYPE138 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (   2.000)
         NUV_MAGERR_APER_2 : TTYPE139 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (   3.000)
         NUV_MAGERR_APER_3 : TTYPE140 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (   5.000)
         NUV_MAGERR_APER_4 : TTYPE141 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (   8.000)
         NUV_MAGERR_APER_5 : TTYPE142 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (  12.000)
         NUV_MAGERR_APER_6 : TTYPE143 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (  17.000)
         NUV_MAGERR_APER_7 : TTYPE144 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (  23.000)
             NUV_FLUX_AUTO : TTYPE145 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture
          NUV_FLUXERR_AUTO : TTYPE146 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : RMS error for AUTO flux
              NUV_MAG_AUTO : TTYPE147 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude
           NUV_MAGERR_AUTO : TTYPE148 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : RMS error for AUTO magnitude
             NUV_FLUX_BEST : TTYPE149 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Best of FLUX_AUTO and FLUX_ISOCOR
          NUV_FLUXERR_BEST : TTYPE150 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : RMS error for BEST flux
              NUV_MAG_BEST : TTYPE151 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Best of MAG_AUTO and MAG_ISOCOR
           NUV_MAGERR_BEST : TTYPE152 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : RMS error for MAG_BEST
         NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_1 : TTYPE153 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Fraction-of-light radius (  0.2000)
         NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_2 : TTYPE154 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Fraction-of-light radius (  0.5000)
         NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_3 : TTYPE155 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Fraction-of-light radius (  0.8000)
         NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_4 : TTYPE156 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Fraction-of-light radius (  0.9000)
         NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_5 : TTYPE157 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Fraction-of-light radius (  0.9500)
                 NUV_ZPMAG : TTYPE158 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : NUV zero point magnitude correction.
           NUV_KRON_RADIUS : TTYPE159 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Kron apertures in units of A or B
            NUV_BACKGROUND : TTYPE160 (1E)  : 'count   ' : Background at centroid position
             NUV_THRESHOLD : TTYPE161 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Detection threshold above background
          NUV_MU_THRESHOLD : TTYPE162 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Detection threshold above background
              NUV_FLUX_MAX : TTYPE163 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Peak flux above background
                NUV_MU_MAX : TTYPE164 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Peak surface brightness above background
         NUV_ISOAREA_IMAGE : TTYPE165 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
         NUV_ISOAREA_WORLD : TTYPE166 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
        NUV_ISOAREAF_IMAGE : TTYPE167 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection thres
        NUV_ISOAREAF_WORLD : TTYPE168 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection thres
            NUV_XMIN_IMAGE : TTYPE169 (1J)  : 'pixel   ' : Minimum x-coordinate among detected pixels
            NUV_YMIN_IMAGE : TTYPE170 (1J)  : 'pixel   ' : Minimum y-coordinate among detected pixels
            NUV_XMAX_IMAGE : TTYPE171 (1J)  : 'pixel   ' : Maximum x-coordinate among detected pixels
            NUV_YMAX_IMAGE : TTYPE172 (1J)  : 'pixel   ' : Maximum y-coordinate among detected pixels
               NUV_X_IMAGE : TTYPE173 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Object position along x
               NUV_Y_IMAGE : TTYPE174 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Object position along y
           NUV_XPEAK_IMAGE : TTYPE175 (1J)  : 'count   ' : x-coordinate of the brightest pixel
           NUV_YPEAK_IMAGE : TTYPE176 (1J)  : 'count   ' : y-coordinate of the brightest pixel
           NUV_ALPHA_J2000 : TTYPE177 (1D)  : 'degrees ' : Right ascension of barycenter (J2000)
           NUV_DELTA_J2000 : TTYPE178 (1D)  : 'degrees ' : Declination of barycenter (J2000)
              NUV_X2_IMAGE : TTYPE179 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Variance along x
              NUV_Y2_IMAGE : TTYPE180 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Variance along y
              NUV_XY_IMAGE : TTYPE181 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Covariance between x and y
              NUV_X2_WORLD : TTYPE182 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Variance along X-WORLD (alpha)
              NUV_Y2_WORLD : TTYPE183 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Variance along Y-WORLD (delta)
              NUV_XY_WORLD : TTYPE184 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Covariance between X-WORLD and Y-WORLD
             NUV_CXX_IMAGE : TTYPE185 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxx object ellipse parameter
             NUV_CYY_IMAGE : TTYPE186 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cyy object ellipse parameter
             NUV_CXY_IMAGE : TTYPE187 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxy object ellipse parameter
             NUV_CXX_WORLD : TTYPE188 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxx object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
             NUV_CYY_WORLD : TTYPE189 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cyy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
             NUV_CXY_WORLD : TTYPE190 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
               NUV_A_IMAGE : TTYPE191 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Profile RMS along major axis
               NUV_B_IMAGE : TTYPE192 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Profile RMS along minor axis
               NUV_A_WORLD : TTYPE193 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Profile RMS along major axis (world units)
               NUV_B_WORLD : TTYPE194 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Profile RMS along minor axis (world units)
           NUV_THETA_IMAGE : TTYPE195 (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Position angle (CCW/x)
           NUV_THETA_WORLD : TTYPE196 (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Position angle (CCW/world-x)
           NUV_THETA_J2000 : TTYPE197 (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Position angle (east of north) (J2000)
            NUV_ELONGATION : TTYPE198 (1E)  : 'number  ' : A_IMAGE/B_IMAGE
           NUV_ELLIPTICITY : TTYPE199 (1E)  : 'number  ' : 1 - B_IMAGE/A_IMAGE
           NUV_ERRX2_IMAGE : TTYPE200 (1D)  : 'number  ' : Variance of position along x
           NUV_ERRY2_IMAGE : TTYPE201 (1D)  : 'number  ' : Variance of position along y
           NUV_ERRXY_IMAGE : TTYPE202 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Covariance of position between x and y
           NUV_ERRX2_WORLD : TTYPE203 (1D)  : 'number  ' : Variance of position along X-WORLD (alpha)
           NUV_ERRY2_WORLD : TTYPE204 (1D)  : 'number  ' : Variance of position along Y-WORLD (delta)
           NUV_ERRXY_WORLD : TTYPE205 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Covariance of position X-WORLD/Y-WORLD
          NUV_ERRCXX_IMAGE : TTYPE206 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxx error ellipse parameter
          NUV_ERRCYY_IMAGE : TTYPE207 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cyy error ellipse parameter
          NUV_ERRCXY_IMAGE : TTYPE208 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxy error ellipse parameter
          NUV_ERRCXX_WORLD : TTYPE209 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxx error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
          NUV_ERRCYY_WORLD : TTYPE210 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cyy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
          NUV_ERRCXY_WORLD : TTYPE211 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
            NUV_ERRA_IMAGE : TTYPE212 (1E)  : 'number  ' : RMS position error along major axis
            NUV_ERRB_IMAGE : TTYPE213 (1E)  : 'number  ' : RMS position error along minor axis
            NUV_ERRA_WORLD : TTYPE214 (1E)  : 'number  ' : World RMS position error along major axis
            NUV_ERRB_WORLD : TTYPE215 (1E)  : 'number  ' : World RMS position error along minor axis
        NUV_ERRTHETA_IMAGE : TTYPE216 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Error ellipse position angle (CCW/x)
        NUV_ERRTHETA_WORLD : TTYPE217 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Error ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x)
        NUV_ERRTHETA_J2000 : TTYPE218 (1E)  : 'number  ' : J2000 error ellipse pos. angle (east of north)
            NUV_FWHM_IMAGE : TTYPE219 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : FWHM assuming a gaussian core
            NUV_FWHM_WORLD : TTYPE220 (1E)  : 'deg     ' : FWHM assuming a gaussian core
                 NUV_FLAGS : TTYPE221 (1I)  : 'value   ' : Extraction flags
            NUV_CLASS_STAR : TTYPE222 (1E)  : 'value   ' : S/G classifier output

Columns copied from -fd-cat.fits (FUV SExtractor output table):

                FUV_NUMBER : TTYPE223 (1J)  : 'value   ' : Running object number
              FUV_FLUX_ISO : TTYPE224 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Isophotal flux
           FUV_FLUXERR_ISO : TTYPE225 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : RMS error for isophotal flux
               FUV_MAG_ISO : TTYPE226 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Isophotal magnitude
            FUV_MAGERR_ISO : TTYPE227 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : RMS error for isophotal magnitude
           FUV_FLUX_ISOCOR : TTYPE228 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Corrected isophotal flux
        FUV_FLUXERR_ISOCOR : TTYPE229 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : RMS error for corrected isophotal flux
            FUV_MAG_ISOCOR : TTYPE230 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Corrected isophotal magnitude
         FUV_MAGERR_ISOCOR : TTYPE231 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : RMS error for corrected isophotal magnitude
           FUV_FLUX_APER_1 : TTYPE232 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (   2.000)
           FUV_FLUX_APER_2 : TTYPE233 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (   3.000)
           FUV_FLUX_APER_3 : TTYPE234 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (   5.000)
           FUV_FLUX_APER_4 : TTYPE235 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (   8.000)
           FUV_FLUX_APER_5 : TTYPE236 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (  12.000)
           FUV_FLUX_APER_6 : TTYPE237 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (  17.000)
           FUV_FLUX_APER_7 : TTYPE238 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux aperture (  23.000)
        FUV_FLUXERR_APER_1 : TTYPE239 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (   2.000)
        FUV_FLUXERR_APER_2 : TTYPE240 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (   3.000)
        FUV_FLUXERR_APER_3 : TTYPE241 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (   5.000)
        FUV_FLUXERR_APER_4 : TTYPE242 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (   8.000)
        FUV_FLUXERR_APER_5 : TTYPE243 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (  12.000)
        FUV_FLUXERR_APER_6 : TTYPE244 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (  17.000)
        FUV_FLUXERR_APER_7 : TTYPE245 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux error aperture (  23.000)
            FUV_MAG_APER_1 : TTYPE246 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (   2.000)
            FUV_MAG_APER_2 : TTYPE247 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (   3.000)
            FUV_MAG_APER_3 : TTYPE248 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (   5.000)
            FUV_MAG_APER_4 : TTYPE249 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (   8.000)
            FUV_MAG_APER_5 : TTYPE250 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (  12.000)
            FUV_MAG_APER_6 : TTYPE251 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (  17.000)
            FUV_MAG_APER_7 : TTYPE252 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude aperture (  23.000)
         FUV_MAGERR_APER_1 : TTYPE253 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (   2.000)
         FUV_MAGERR_APER_2 : TTYPE254 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (   3.000)
         FUV_MAGERR_APER_3 : TTYPE255 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (   5.000)
         FUV_MAGERR_APER_4 : TTYPE256 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (   8.000)
         FUV_MAGERR_APER_5 : TTYPE257 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (  12.000)
         FUV_MAGERR_APER_6 : TTYPE258 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (  17.000)
         FUV_MAGERR_APER_7 : TTYPE259 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Magnitude error aperture (  23.000)
             FUV_FLUX_AUTO : TTYPE260 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture
          FUV_FLUXERR_AUTO : TTYPE261 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : RMS error for AUTO flux
              FUV_MAG_AUTO : TTYPE262 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude
           FUV_MAGERR_AUTO : TTYPE263 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : RMS error for AUTO magnitude
             FUV_FLUX_BEST : TTYPE264 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : Best of FLUX_AUTO and FLUX_ISOCOR
          FUV_FLUXERR_BEST : TTYPE265 (1E)  : 'flux    ' : RMS error for BEST flux
              FUV_MAG_BEST : TTYPE266 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : Best of MAG_AUTO and MAG_ISOCOR
           FUV_MAGERR_BEST : TTYPE267 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : RMS error for MAG_BEST
         FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_1 : TTYPE268 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Fraction-of-light radius (  0.2000)
         FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_2 : TTYPE269 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Fraction-of-light radius (  0.5000)
         FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_3 : TTYPE270 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Fraction-of-light radius (  0.8000)
         FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_4 : TTYPE271 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Fraction-of-light radius (  0.9000)
         FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_5 : TTYPE272 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Fraction-of-light radius (  0.9500)
                 FUV_ZPMAG : TTYPE273 (1E)  : 'mag     ' : FUV zero point magnitude correction.
           FUV_KRON_RADIUS : TTYPE274 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Kron apertures in units of A or B
            FUV_BACKGROUND : TTYPE275 (1E)  : 'count   ' : Background at centroid position
             FUV_THRESHOLD : TTYPE276 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Detection threshold above background
          FUV_MU_THRESHOLD : TTYPE277 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Detection threshold above background
              FUV_FLUX_MAX : TTYPE278 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Peak flux above background
                FUV_MU_MAX : TTYPE279 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Peak surface brightness above background
         FUV_ISOAREA_IMAGE : TTYPE280 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
         FUV_ISOAREA_WORLD : TTYPE281 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
        FUV_ISOAREAF_IMAGE : TTYPE282 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection thres
        FUV_ISOAREAF_WORLD : TTYPE283 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection thres
            FUV_XMIN_IMAGE : TTYPE284 (1J)  : 'pixel   ' : Minimum x-coordinate among detected pixels
            FUV_YMIN_IMAGE : TTYPE285 (1J)  : 'pixel   ' : Minimum y-coordinate among detected pixels
            FUV_XMAX_IMAGE : TTYPE286 (1J)  : 'pixel   ' : Maximum x-coordinate among detected pixels
            FUV_YMAX_IMAGE : TTYPE287 (1J)  : 'pixel   ' : Maximum y-coordinate among detected pixels
               FUV_X_IMAGE : TTYPE288 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Object position along x
               FUV_Y_IMAGE : TTYPE289 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Object position along y
           FUV_XPEAK_IMAGE : TTYPE290 (1J)  : 'count   ' : x-coordinate of the brightest pixel
           FUV_YPEAK_IMAGE : TTYPE291 (1J)  : 'count   ' : y-coordinate of the brightest pixel
           FUV_ALPHA_J2000 : TTYPE292 (1D)  : 'degrees ' : Right ascension of barycenter (J2000)
           FUV_DELTA_J2000 : TTYPE293 (1D)  : 'degrees ' : Declination of barycenter (J2000)
              FUV_X2_IMAGE : TTYPE294 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Variance along x
              FUV_Y2_IMAGE : TTYPE295 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Variance along y
              FUV_XY_IMAGE : TTYPE296 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : Covariance between x and y
              FUV_X2_WORLD : TTYPE297 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Variance along X-WORLD (alpha)
              FUV_Y2_WORLD : TTYPE298 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Variance along Y-WORLD (delta)
              FUV_XY_WORLD : TTYPE299 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Covariance between X-WORLD and Y-WORLD
             FUV_CXX_IMAGE : TTYPE300 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxx object ellipse parameter
             FUV_CYY_IMAGE : TTYPE301 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cyy object ellipse parameter
             FUV_CXY_IMAGE : TTYPE302 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxy object ellipse parameter
             FUV_CXX_WORLD : TTYPE303 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxx object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
             FUV_CYY_WORLD : TTYPE304 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cyy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
             FUV_CXY_WORLD : TTYPE305 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
               FUV_A_IMAGE : TTYPE306 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Profile RMS along major axis
               FUV_B_IMAGE : TTYPE307 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Profile RMS along minor axis
               FUV_A_WORLD : TTYPE308 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Profile RMS along major axis (world units)
               FUV_B_WORLD : TTYPE309 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Profile RMS along minor axis (world units)
           FUV_THETA_IMAGE : TTYPE310 (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Position angle (CCW/x)
           FUV_THETA_WORLD : TTYPE311 (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Position angle (CCW/world-x)
           FUV_THETA_J2000 : TTYPE312 (1E)  : 'degrees ' : Position angle (east of north) (J2000)
            FUV_ELONGATION : TTYPE313 (1E)  : 'number  ' : A_IMAGE/B_IMAGE
           FUV_ELLIPTICITY : TTYPE314 (1E)  : 'number  ' : 1 - B_IMAGE/A_IMAGE
           FUV_ERRX2_IMAGE : TTYPE315 (1D)  : 'number  ' : Variance of position along x
           FUV_ERRY2_IMAGE : TTYPE316 (1D)  : 'number  ' : Variance of position along y
           FUV_ERRXY_IMAGE : TTYPE317 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Covariance of position between x and y
           FUV_ERRX2_WORLD : TTYPE318 (1D)  : 'number  ' : Variance of position along X-WORLD (alpha)
           FUV_ERRY2_WORLD : TTYPE319 (1D)  : 'number  ' : Variance of position along Y-WORLD (delta)
           FUV_ERRXY_WORLD : TTYPE320 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Covariance of position X-WORLD/Y-WORLD
          FUV_ERRCXX_IMAGE : TTYPE321 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxx error ellipse parameter
          FUV_ERRCYY_IMAGE : TTYPE322 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cyy error ellipse parameter
          FUV_ERRCXY_IMAGE : TTYPE323 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxy error ellipse parameter
          FUV_ERRCXX_WORLD : TTYPE324 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxx error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
          FUV_ERRCYY_WORLD : TTYPE325 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cyy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
          FUV_ERRCXY_WORLD : TTYPE326 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Cxy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
            FUV_ERRA_IMAGE : TTYPE327 (1E)  : 'number  ' : RMS position error along major axis
            FUV_ERRB_IMAGE : TTYPE328 (1E)  : 'number  ' : RMS position error along minor axis
            FUV_ERRA_WORLD : TTYPE329 (1E)  : 'number  ' : World RMS position error along major axis
            FUV_ERRB_WORLD : TTYPE330 (1E)  : 'number  ' : World RMS position error along minor axis
        FUV_ERRTHETA_IMAGE : TTYPE331 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Error ellipse position angle (CCW/x)
        FUV_ERRTHETA_WORLD : TTYPE332 (1E)  : 'number  ' : Error ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x)
        FUV_ERRTHETA_J2000 : TTYPE333 (1E)  : 'number  ' : J2000 error ellipse pos. angle (east of north)
            FUV_FWHM_IMAGE : TTYPE334 (1E)  : 'pixel   ' : FWHM assuming a gaussian core
            FUV_FWHM_WORLD : TTYPE335 (1E)  : 'deg     ' : FWHM assuming a gaussian core
                 FUV_FLAGS : TTYPE336 (1I)  : 'value   ' : Extraction flags
            FUV_CLASS_STAR : TTYPE337 (1E)  : 'value   ' : S/G classifier output