GALEX Guest Investigator Program

The GALEX Guest Investigator Program is managed by NASA through the Goddard Space Flight Center ( GI investigations have been selected each year, through peer review, to compliment the team science and legacy surveys. GI program topics range from comet outflow to large-scale structure, from CV accretion rates to cooling-flows in galaxy clusters. There have been six GI cycles from 2005 to 2010.
We will complete all accepted GI programs for Cycles 1-6, and NASA intends to fund all previously approved programs (excluding those canceled because they could not be done without the FUV detector). If you have questions about your GI observations or grant, please send email to the helpdesk: galexhelp*at* or to susan.g.neff*at*
As part of the ongoing GALEX Legacy Survey, we continue to observe the available sky to "MIS depth" (m_AB ~ 22.5, ~1500 sec exposure), or 1-orbit exposures. About 16,000 deg^2 are not yet imaged but can be observed safely by GALEX. The GALEX project would like to optimize the legacy value of the GALEX archive, and therefore invites the astronomy community to suggest high-priority fields or regions for inclusion in the ongoing survey. Visit for more information.
If you wish to suggest high-priority fields or areas for the GALEX Legacy Survey, please send a note of intent by 7 January 2011, and a brief (~1-2 page) justification by 1 February 2011, to galexhelp.
GI_Doc_Ops7.pdf summarizes the changes for GALEX Ops7 Pipeline in calibration and
direct imaging merged catalog (-xd-mcat.fits) for GI data releases after February 2010.